Little Miss “C” was such a pleasure to capture. She was not going to sleep for me but she didn’t cry either. She was just happy as a clam with me cuddling her and moving her into different props. Here are some of my favorite shots of the day.

A snow storm dropped a few inches of snow right after Christmas. So I had the great idea to take my children out for pictures. Well, the boys were very much against it. I was able to talk Camryn into going out for a quick session. I actually am not a fan of the snow but I love these images of her. And now I am excited to get another snow storm this winter. I did the session before the holidays but had to wait to post it because mom wanted to use the pictures on their Christmas card. This was such a fun session. I have taken pictures for this family a few times and it’s always a fun time. This was the first time dad was actaully at the session and I am sure he enjoyed himself Baby “S” was such a good boy for our session. After a bottle and a little rocking he went to sleep and was so good. We captured some great images of him. He was my first newborn and he made the session so much fun…his mom was great too. Can’t wait to get my hands on more little ones.